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  • Writer's pictureCrawlspace Renovations LLC

Know Crawl Space Mold Removal Cost

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Did you just discover mold in your home? It can be a terrible feeling discovering mold growth in your home, and you may not know where to start. The first thing you'll want to do is assess the damage: How deep or widespread is the problem? The good news is that you can count on us to solve the problem permanently.

Crawl Space Mold Remediation/Removal Costs at a Glance.

To prevent mold growth, you can encapsulate your entire crawl space and the average price range: $5,000 - $15,000.

Crawl Space Mold Remediation
Crawl space encapsulation

What causes mold to grow in my house?

Any wet or moist area in your home is susceptible to mold growth. Mold spores thrive in dark, dank areas like bathrooms, attics and crawl spaces — but mold can also grow anywhere these conditions are present. Pay extra attention to areas of your home that frequently experience leaks, condensation or poor ventilation.

What are we doing

When you hire us, we will go through several steps to clean the mold from your home. You may also have additional options as far as the extent of the service, including preventive treatments.

First, the mold remediation expert will inspect the area to determine what is salvageable and what needs to be discarded. Drywall, insulation or even structural elements may need to be completely removed and replaced to mitigate the problem.

Mold growth in the crawl space - 1
Mold growth in the crawl space

Mold growth in the crawl space -2
Mold growth in the crawl space

Mold growth in the crawl space - 3
Mold growth in the crawl space

Mold growth in the crawl space -4
Mold growth in the crawl space

Humidity Meter
In these example this humidity meter has levels above 55% RH in the air. We need it to go down 55% or less.

Contact Us

We are at your disposal, if you are looking for Crawl Space Mold Removal Cost... You have arrived.

And we will be happy to provide you with an estimate.

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